Trending Courses

Graduates can work in positions job market demands


Books & Library

Our modern library contains only up-to-date books and tutorials


Certified Teachers

Teaching staff certification is a professional competences external assessment , particularly in pedagogy and psychology, practical skills to apply modern teaching methods and technologies.

Start your journey to a better life with offline practical courses

Professional Trainers

Training in preparatory courses is carried out in two subjects: Mathematics and Ukrainian language.

Additional points are awarded

Persons studying in the 9th grade of a comprehensive educational institution have the right to attend preparatory courses

Study period: 5-6 months

Training will begin in December 2023 / January 2024 as the group is filled. Training is conducted remotely.

Class days: every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:35 p.m.

Registration for courses

TeachersMeet Professional Trainers

Our specialtiesTrain your brain and get an interesting profession

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Smiling Two Girls